Bills to pay - Filters to apply when editing bills (e.g Approve & view next)
In the new bills to pay draft screen even though I search for a particular supplier or filter alphabetically so I can find a certain supplier when I go into the first one and approve & view next instead of giving me the next one of that supplier (the filter I have on) it goes to the next date. I need to approve a lot of invoices and it is much quicker to do by supplier and be able to go straight to the next one. I could do this in the old bills to pay drafts but can't in the new one. Can you please make this option available again as it saves a lot of time. At the moment I am having to come out of the invoice it has brought up and find the one I want again each time.

Hi community, thanks for sharing your needs with us in product ideas here. As you may have seen we've released some new features in the bills space and you should find our new quick view of a bill solves for what you're after here.
With quick view you can easily filter for a supplier, then view each draft bill for that contact before bulk approving all bills at once. Simply click the downward arrow above the bill in the side view to move onto the next. 🥳